Academic Exploitation

Currere as Getting Lost in Motherhood


  • Whitney Neumeyer Roach Texas Christian University
  • Elissa Bryant Texas Christian University


Currere, mothering, curriculum, Other


This work explores the complexities of mothering as students of curriculum studies. We, the authors, utilize the method of currere to lose ourselves in our mothering frameworks as we engage with the present. From reexperiencing specific past moments of mothering curriculum to imagining a utopian future free of pragmatic constraints, our currere serves to exploit the always present inequities which underscore our daily practices. As we navigate unique complexities of being, Othered by way of our multiple identities, we find ourselves together, sojourners in uncharted territory, wherein pursuits of knowledge have transformed our multifaceted independent identities in ways we struggle to identify. We inevitably and necessarily find ourselves moving and engaging with a never-ending cycle—where the past is now and the now is present.

Keywords: Currere, mothering, curriculum, Other


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