Currere, Psychic Speech and Teacher Education


  • Wanying Wang The University of British Columbia


Currere, Psychic Speech, Archetypal


Informed by Doll (2017)’s work and the idea of Jungian psychologists, using the method of currere and co-mingling my past experiences and current thought, I illustrate my exploration of reading “psychic speech”, including my students and myself.The method of currere allows me to  retell my teaching story, my teaching experience with my students, manifesting the previously unnoticed, the invisible aspect of my teaching experience, something unconscious of at both the personal and collective level, during which I have come to realize the psychic condition of my students, the archetypal nature of teacher student relationship, and the collective shadow burdening me and my students – the psychic speech of myself and my student – thereby myself engaging in self reconstruction and transformation in recurring cycles as a teacher. Reading psychic speech makes possible the fresh, startling, poetic, reframed vision and understanding of teaching, and opens for renewal of teaching practice.



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