The Universe Does Not Count

Promoting a Humanistic Ontology for Math


  • Kenneth of Butler university of dayton


Critical Mathematics Education, Critical Pedagogy, Ontology, mathematics conocimiento


This is a discussion of how myths about nature of math leads to hegemonic structures in mathematics education. I utilize a Currere temporal methodology. I walk through an autobiographical narrative with my past and future influencing my present. I analyze these data and synthesize a humanistic ontology of mathematics that aligns with a critical mathematics education framework based in work by Freire, Skovsmose, and Gutierrez. This is framed by Freire’s concept that all knowledge is human knowledge. Expanding on work by Skovsmose, I suggest mathematics is an abstract human construct based in culture. Similar to Gutierrez’s mathematics conocimiento, I suggest the foundation of equitable math education must conceptualize math as an abstract cognitive process associated with pattern relation, and structure in which all humans engage.


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