Square Peg in a Round Hole

Unveiling Rural Student Challenges in Trinidad and Tobago through Currere


  • Alicia Francisca Noreiga-Mundaroy University of New Brunswick


rural student challenges, Trinidad and Tobago secondary schools, currere process


The twin-island state of Trinidad and Tobago supports systems that continue to disadvantage its rural students.  This paper entwines narrative and theoretical philosophies to situate my rural experience into a broader field of rural discourse while embracing the currere process to understand my biographical and professional linkages. I employ the currere process to analyze my past and present and create a vision of whom I hope to become, thus, assessing my profound purpose. I unleash underlying rural assumptions and influences that have covertly and overtly influenced my academic and professional career. Through regressive, progressive, analytical, and synthetical approaches, I answer the question, “How does rurality appear as a theme in my academic and professional life?”


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